Our Story

Our Story 

Every businesswoman has experienced the stress and frustration that accompanies getting dressed before a big day at work. Whether you’re prepping for a presentation, meeting with a prospective client, or just headed into the office for a long day of paperwork –  our appearance can help us feel more confident and in control of the situation. The first step to being successful is looking the part. And that is why Lashalytics has created a superior collection of luxury lashes, that enable businesswomen to look and feel their best in the workplace. 

Our lashes are modeled to reflect the same professionalism and attention-to-detail that are exemplified by the woman who wears them. Lashes have long been viewed as inappropriate for work, but we are here to disrupt that stereotype with our Corporate Collection. Our durable, easy-to-apply lashes are environmentally friendly and create a natural look unparalleled by other lash brands. 

We know you possess the work ethic and drive to excel professionally. However, Lashaltyics provides that extra layer of self-confidence that will help you unlock your professional potential. We believe that a woman should not have to sacrifice beauty for professionalism, so we make it easy to lash with class. Our mirrored cases, lash variety, applicators and adhesives allow you to quickly and efficiently magnify your beauty in a very natural way. 

We Are One of a Kind

Lashalytics is a data-driven brand that has solved one of the biggest problems in the beauty industry- the lack of everyday, on-the-go lashes, for the professional woman. In our conducted focus groups, the data showed that professional women love wearing lashes but struggle to consistently find a brand that caters to the businesswoman they are, and that they feel comfortable wearing at work or in professional settings. That is why we have curated an exclusive brand dedicated to bringing high quality lashes to the professional space. We empower businesswomen to look their best, in spite of their busy lives. 

The results are in and the data shows that our luxury lashes will look amazing on you!

Our Philosophy

We believe that physical appearance contributes to professional success. It’s time to go beyond making an impression, and make an impact! Here at Lashalytics, we provide curated, 3D natural-looking lashes that are sure to get you noticed. Whether you are in the boardroom, attending virtual meetings, preparing for a professional photoshoot, an after-work event or stepping out on the town for date night; we have a lash perfect for the occasion. Professional women have strict schedules as they are making power moves in their careers or business. We are dedicated to speedy delivery times, durability and comfortability. When properly cared for, our lightweight luxury lashes can be worn up to 30 times. Allow us to put the finishing touch on your classy and professional style!

Our Purpose

Lashalytics was created to enhance eye beauty without compromising the professional image you’ve worked so tirelessly to achieve. We understand firsthand, the stereotypes women can face in professional settings. Our Corporate Collection is guaranteed to provide you with that extra confidence needed to nail that presentation, impress that client, or work towards a promotion. 

Our Team

Our brand was created by an award-winning sales executive who understands the positive impact that confidence and appearance can have on one’s overall self-esteem and business successes. Our team is diverse and consists of design experts who have developed a revolutionary take on lashes. We work with manufacturers around the world who are committed to quality assurance, safety, sustainable practices and environmentally friendly products.